Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Feb 15 Local Alta Jargon

Four straight days of great snow conditions, we are really getting spoiled. Got Pow? Yes, but those lodge employees chew it up and spit it out in about an hour every morning after the fresh dump (dang kids, why don't they get REAL jobs).

We are slowly being "localized" by various friends out here. Most of this effort revolves around using the appropriate Alta lingo and pronunciation. First off, "Alta" apparently was derived from the word altitude - yes, everyone out here is high (don't get too excited, that's elevation not a drug-induced state of mind). "Alta" is thus pronounced much like altitude, not as it occasionally slips out of our mouths as "Ulta." Although, since this is the Ultimate ski area (best pow in the world), I think our pronunciation is rather appropriate! Maybe we can change the legend.

There are nicknames for everything at Alta. We just have a hard time remembering them, but we're slowly coming up to speed. For example:

Heather works at the "A-lodge" (local name for Alta Lodge)
We meet friends for a beer at the "GMD" (Gold Miner's Daughter Lodge)
Some of Heather's friends work at the "P-Dog" (Peruvian Lodge)
The most famous ski trail at Alta is "High Boy" (actually named High Rustler on the trail map)

The most recent terms we've added to the list are:

"Cliffed" - this is what happens when you are looking for the pow and end up with 20 foot drops in most every direction. We have cliffed ourselves a few times recently. The hazards of not skiing with someone who REALLY knows the mountain like the back of their hand.

"Jeaned" - this is what happens when you follow Jean onto a cornice and out of your mouth comes "f---in' a, what am I doing here!" Teehee, the fun continues!!!

Feb 3 - 10

Can't believe it's been over 2 weeks since we last blogged. The first week of February was our first "guest week" with a great visit from BSG members, Tom and Mary Koza, whose son, Jason, is working at Alta Lodge with Heather. Mike's sister Rosie also visited for a portion of the week. Here's Tom and Mary in high altitudes!

With no new snow that week we "only" skied 3 days that week. The ski gang in photo is my friend, Marie, (Jean and Mike), and Tom (dubbed Tom "Cruise" for cruising the slopes!).

After surviving his first day of skiing at Alta with son, Jason, and us, Tom found himself in the "temple" of spirits (i.e. the Sitzmark Bar in the Alta Lodge), kneeling and giving thanks to the gods of distilled spirits for being in one piece.

We enjoyed a day with our offspring in Park City visiting galleries and touring the High West Distillery. The culmination was a delicious dinner at the distillery.

The gang spent a non-ski day up in Big Cottonwood Canyon snowshoeing up to Doughnut Falls. It was a delightful "hike" among the tall pines and lightly falling snow. Here's the some of the gang up in the terrain.
Tom "Cruise" above and Rosie and Mary below.

Here's Mikey blowing out his birthday candles for an early celebration of his 60th with Rosie and the Koza's and our kids. Guess he is still not old since the saying out here is "Alta: no place for old men!!!"