Sunday, April 8, 2012

Apr 3 Grand Finale Giant Slalom

Today was the Alta Town League final race. The grand finale was held on Stimulation off the Wildcat chair - a mere 40 degree slope that was solid ICE! What the frig am I doing here at 8 am in the morning?? If I didn't think that I would puke in the starting gate I would have done shots of Jaegermeister at 8 am along with the rest of the racers. Needless to say I provided great entertainment to the racers waiting to race after me. When I finally shoved out of the starting gate (the starter probably thought I had stroked out it took me so long), I took the first gate OK and then said bull sh-t I like my body in one piece and proceeded to ski out of the course, miss the next 5 gates and then jump back into the course on the "flat" half where everyone was hooting and hollering as I careened towards the finish! I was thrilled to be in ONE piece!! Fortunately we had several youngsters that were awesome on the team and "Heather's Mom" team finished 11th out of 24 for the season. I think I will retire from my racing career.

Here are a few shots of the day.

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