Thursday, January 26, 2012

Jan 26

Boy, it's hard keeping up with the blog when the skiing is fantastic! Last entry was on Sunday morning when Little Cottonwood Canyon was closed because of an avalanche over the road. We had 22 inches that Saturday night. We sipped our coffee and tea for 2 hours watching the road block below us. As soon as the police removed the block we jumped in our car and headed out to get in the line of cars heading up canyon. Skiing was superb!

We've skied every day this week mostly at Alta and once over at Brighton. On Tuesday, I joined the Women's Ski group that skies together every week. What a bunch of super skiers of all ages! The group leaders are awesome skiers that have worked at Alta for years and they have inside info on terrain openings. Ballroom had not yet opened from the 22 inch dump on Sunday, but the word came over radio to our group leader that ski patrol was about to open it. We jumped in line at the gate and traversed over to a perfect line. Yeehawed all the way down making fresh powder tracks!! Sometimes you just get lucky! Fighting all those twenty-something lodge employees for first tracks can be exhausting! (Note: Heather occasionally hollers from the lift when she has a "parent sighting.")

Today we changed things up a bit and took our tele gear up to Alta. Arrived at noon just as the snow started to fall. Spent the afternoon up in Supreme trying to improve our telemark turns. The snow kept coming and coming. Looks like another 12 inches by tomorrow morning. We had our first white knuckle trip down canyon at the end of the day - but safely back at the house it was only rain. Off to bed early for an early powder day tomorrow IF the road is open. Livin' the ski bum dream!

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