So back in 1985 a group of us were skiing Snowbird on a bluebird spring day and we had the picnic of a life time on the shoulder of Little Cloud bowl. Of course that was in the day prior to digital cameras so I would have to be back in NH to scan in the photos from that memorable day. We all were sporting bathing suits under our ski clothes and after a few bottles of wine several bikinis emerged along with some bare chests and a few moons from the guys. Well, in honor of our last weekend of skiing in Utah for this season, Marie (who was part of the 1985 gang) suggested that we again picnic.
Although it was a bluebird day, the temps were not quite so springlike, but the wine, appetizers, sandwiches, strawberries and chocolate were incredible. We set out our spread just through the first gate on Rock and Roll heading into Devil's Castle (need we say more???).
Here is a shot of Marie who came prepared for a repeat of the 1985 event.
A few more photos of the gala picnic:

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