Thursday, March 29, 2012

Mar 29 Warranties

We are still here in Utah but with the warranties starting to expire on our body parts - specifically our knees! But w.t.h. at our age 57 ski days and over 600,000 vertical feet is going to take a slight toll. Guess it must be almost time to hang up the skis for this season - heaven forbid. In the past two weeks we have gone from winter to spring to summer back to winter to spring to summer yet again. Which of course turns the snow into New England crap and creates challenging wardrobe decisions (since some of these weather changes occur within a ski day)!

But no one is complaining!! We had a 40 inch dump back on March 18 - 19 - thigh deep "powda" which was so deep that unless you were on 40 degree slopes you did not move! Had to hike DOWN to the lift!! First tracks are soooooo Sweeeeet! Various company arrived shortly after that dump, each with opposing views on the powda - love vs hate. But alas, the warm up occurred within days and we were back to spring conditions. The upside to spring conditions is that there is no rush to jump out of bed in the morning. Arriving at the "hill" by 11:00 is perfect timing for the snow and the Kluks.

So as long as the warranty doesn't wear out on our knees, we are still here hoping for one more snow - before April 9th - the day that we turn into pumpkins and head back east via Southwest airlines. The car has been hijacked by Heather for her summer job in Seattle.

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