Friday, January 6, 2012

Jan 5th

Back on the road again: Santa Fe, NM, to Moab, UT, via Durango, CO, and Mesa Verde National Park. Oh wow, yet another bucket list item for anyone who hasn't visited Mesa Verde, home to the historic cliff dwellings. After Mike finally re-opened his eyes and released his grip on the door handle at the top of the Mesa (Jean was driving the hairpin-turning cliff-hugging route to the top trying to make the 1:00 pm tour on time), we hurried down the trail to join the tour of the Spruce Tree House (see photo). Simply amazing to view and touch such well preserved history. Anyone want to wager on who drove down from the Mesa? Thank goodness we had our brakes done before this trip! Well, it was on to Moab next. Oh, we've forgotten to mention that Jean doesn't nod off in the passenger seat anymore - the views and landscape are far too exciting. In fact, she's building new arm muscles holding the camera ready at every bend in the road!

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