Monday, January 2, 2012

Jan 1st

I'm thinking that Mike should get his CDL and buy a Kenworth since he amazingly can auto pilot and keep his eyes open! He'd also then have a man cave in the driveway in NH. So, we spent our first day of 2012 logging over 600 miles through Arkansas and Oklahoma and part of Texas. First 400 miles resembled the rolling hills of upstate Pennsylvania, but cross that line into Texas and the scene changes! Tumble weeds, deserted buildings, emaciated cows, and hundreds of windmills (just like the ones on Lempster Mt.). The power line poles are lined up like toothpick soldiers for miles and miles, all leaning at the same angle. Don't think Amarillo will be on our "re-visit" list.

When was the last time you saw either of these things?

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